8 Ways to Avoid Diabetes

1 Know your risk factors. The American Diabetes Consult your physician if any of these risks apply to you personally.


2 Know the risk factors you can change. Some risk factors (age, genes and medical history) can't be changed.


3 Control your weight. This is the Most significant thing you can do to lower your diabetes risk. Eat fewer calories per day than you burn off. Choose low-fat foods; downsize parts; replace starches like bread, pasta, cake and pasta with fruits and veggies; drink water instead of high-calorie drinks; and cut out sweets. Lowering soda intake can significantly reduce your chance of diabetes.


4 Exercise frequently. Physical activity Helps with weight loss and may lift your mood. Check with your physician first in the event that you've never exercised or whether it has been some time. Aim for at least 30 minutes of proposed physical activity 5 days per week, combining aerobic exercise with strength training (lifting weights). Think of approaches to add activity to your day: use the stairs instead of the elevator, have a walk rather than watching TV or dance off the pounds.


5 Control blood pressure. Ask your doctor to check your blood pressure and talk about how to control it. If you are overweight, lose weight. Limit alcohol. Limit sodium intake to less than 2,400 mg per day (about 1 teaspoon. Of salt). Read food labels for sodium, calories and fat content. Click here for more info about how to read food labels. 


6 Lower triglycerides and increase HDL cholesterol. Aim for a moderate level of 200 mg/dl or reduced and a high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or"good" cholesterol) level of 40 mg/dl or greater (for men), 50 mg/dl or greater (for girls ). You can improve both triglycerides and HDL cholesterol by following the tips above, as well as by stopping smoking. Certain foods help as well: foods which are high in omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, tuna, walnuts, flaxseed, canola or soybean oil), vegetables, fruit and whole grains or legumes.


7 Limit alcohol. Alcohol may add pounds and Raise blood pressure and triglycerides while lowering HDL. Restrict alcohol intake to one drink (355 ml of beer, 148 ml of wine or 44 ml of liquor) daily if you're a girl, two drinks a day if you're a guy.


8 Create a plan and receive support. Preventing Diabetes requires a continuing commitment To a healthy lifestyle. In Case You Have prediabetes, Talk about avoidance with your family doctor, Cardiologist or an endocrinologist (a physician who Specializes in diabetes and other conditions). Get Informed by consulting the American Diabetes Meet with a Certified diabetes educator or dietitian for information on lifestyle changes.